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lily pad 浮在水面上的睡蓮葉子。


The “ lily pad theory “ qualifies as an appropriate and severe warning : absolutely do not underestimate the severity of any environmental problem , because it develops at an accelerated pace and simply gives people no time to come to their senses and react when it has “ accelerated “ past the point of no return “睡蓮葉子理論”被認為是一個合適而嚴肅的忠告:千萬不要低估任何環境問題的嚴重性,因為它加速發展并且在人們還沒來得及回過頭來時就發展到無法挽救的地步。

Defense secretary donald rumsfeld wants to redeploy these troops to facilities located along what some military strategists refer to as “ lily pads “ - small , flexible military operating locations , stretching from southeast asia to west africa 某些軍事戰略家把從東南亞延伸到西非的小型、靈活的軍事基地稱為“睡蓮漂葉” ,而國防部長唐納德?拉姆斯菲爾德就是想在這些基地沿線的設施上重新部署這些軍隊。

Suppose lily pads cover up the whole surface of a pond on the 30th day of their growth ( when they bring all life forms in that pond to a horrible end ) , how long does it take them to shield half of the surface 假如睡蓮葉子在它們生長過程中的第三十天時就蓋滿整個池子(將這個池子里的所有生命送入一個恐怖的盡頭) ,那么蓋滿半個池子需耗多少時間呢?

There are many interesting water games , including a mock pirate ship , two play structures , a lily pad walk , wood log walks , water guns , slides in animal shapes and a central island with a cascade 館內并設有多種有趣的水上游戲設施,如海盜船、兩個嬉水組合架、荷葉型走道、圓本型走道、水槍、數條動物形狀的滑梯及設有一道瀑布的人造小島等。

For this reason i would like to borrow the examples of the “ lily pad problem “ that once troubled france and the “ horse manure public hazard “ that some british scholars warned people of during the industrial revolution 因此,我想借用曾經困擾整個法蘭西的“睡蓮葉子問題”和在工業革命期間,某些英國學者警告人們的“馬糞公害”的例子來做講解。

When lily pads cover up the whole surface of a pond , all fish and other organisms living underneath will suffocate to death 當睡蓮葉子將整個池子表面蓋滿時,生長在下面的所有魚類將因窒息而死去。

Lily pads float on the surface of water and double the area they cover everyday 睡蓮葉子通常漂浮在水表面上,并且其覆蓋面積每天翻一番。